Given the regular recruiting that takes place in our school, and given the amount of taxpayers’ dollars that go to war, the reports I have linked here are startling. Many good, patriotic Americans enlist in the United States Armed Forces each year. Most do so to serve their country. According to recent studies, in too many cases, the country is failing to reciprocate that service to many veterans once they retire. I hope Groton families will read and discuss this issue carefully.
Here are a few statistics to add to you conversation...
This is very sad. When you told me about this in class, I was so disappointed. The men and women serve our country for our freedom. They are willing to put their lives on the line to serve The United States Of America. With the fact being that 30% of homeless people in America are Veterans makes me curious on what foreigners think about our country. I personally believe that this does not set a good example for us. Far from that, I think about those men and women. How horrible it must be to have helped your country and get treated this way. :( :( :( :( :( :(
- Cali G. p.2
This is extremely bad and no one cares. If you ask me anyone who served are country deserves a home. When they come home they should be paid alot more money for putting there live on the line, and they can't even aford a house not even a bad one. No one is even bloging back. It makes me think no one cares.
Dear Mr.Filzen, Thanks for the article about Veterans. I think they should have a roof over there heads because of all of the hard work and effort.
P.S Mr.D
rocks your friend,
Hi Mr.Filzen,I Think That The Veterans Should Be Treated Better Because They Are Like Us.You Will Gust Have To Think If That Was You.If That Was Me I Would Hope That People Would Treat Me Better.And I Think That People Who Have To Shower In Restaurants Is So Stupid.If I Had To Shower In A Restaurants I Would Be Sad For Myself.............................Sincerly,Brittany
Hey it's Jake, I think the Veterans should get help because, they served our country. I'm glad they are getting help.We should start a donation.
It's bad bad bad. They're heroes, they should be happy and treated well.
HELLO! This is Emma D. from Mr.D's class. I think it's wrong that people that fought for our country are homeless! I mean have some respect!
I think its dum that they cant have a home just because they were forced to go to iraq or any war. Its dum that they live on the streets. its cool that they have places for them to live but not all of them know about it. its sad that they have to hold up sighns to get peaple to give them money. They also faught for are country.
Hi this is Emmilie from Mr.D's room.I think the Vereterans should have more rights.I mean they are going homeless. Like 30% of Veterans are with out a home.
The Veterans should be treated better. If they helped us we should help them by giving them food and shelter. Veterans should not have boxes as houses and newspaper as warmth. I think that means that is really sad that they have no food! Plus they should not eat out of garbages for food. That is like uncalled for. They should be able to have selter because they suffered and fought in the war for us. Not to be on the streets. But I am glad that they are making some kind of shelter for them.
Veterans should be treated better. They were out fighing people. Then they come to no home.
Hi Mr. Filzen thanks for the
article.It was very wrong. We sould get them some shelter. They are trying to help us, so we sould help them. They are washig there selves in fast food restarents. <3,
Hi this is really sad? A lot of people in american are homeless veterns.They don't have any food.I think that people should give them some shelter.I would' some even live on the streets with newspaper around them to keep them warm.Isn't that sad?......................Sincerly,Bridgette
Hi my name is Toni. I am from Mr.Dantonios class.I think we need to help the homeless they helped us so we should help them so lets go help.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe what they are doing to the Veterans? I mean they deserve homes. We let them down!!!!! They deserve homes and a little more cash! I am soooooooooooo glad that they have the VA for them now. People should of thought of that earlier. If I was homeless I would be like, Oh crap what do I do now? The Vererans wash in Burger King sinks. Which is nasty I mean what if you walked into a public bathroom and saw some random guy taking a bath in a sink!!!!!!! YUCK!!!!!!! Thank god they have the VA but not all the Veterans are in the VA. Like 70% are still homeless. But at least were trying.(By the way my Mom is Patty H.)
Emily H.
That's really really sad:(
My Grandma took me to New York City for my b-day. around every corner was a homeless person with cardboard signs that siad "help me". It was so sad. they are also in bathrooms.
Hey, im Alyssa from Mr dantonio's class. I read an artical about how veterans are homeless and live in the streats. I thought it was so sad and that they should be treated beater than they are now. Being left on the streets it is soooooooo sad just to be left on the streets, and no one helping. They don't have a lot of food, and they are starving. Counting that they are cold and don't have a blanket to keep them warm, they usealy use a blanket made out of newspapper to keep warm. They fought in the war to keep us safe so know they are being treated like dirt. They should be treated beater than this bye.
To all of you who read and thought about the issue of homeless veterans, I say thank you. Your comments were very mature. What do you think we can do? Should we write a letter to our President or our Representatives? Perhaps we can write a letter from both of our classes.What do you think?
Mr. Filzen
this upsets me more than ever right now because my brother is going in.. if people dont sapport the people who are vetersns who are in the end saving them i think thats sad.. no roof over you head is a pertty bad way to thank them..
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